
Committee members

As of the Extraordinary General Meeting held on Sunday 28th April 2024, the current SRCF committee consists of:

They may be contacted individually as above, or collectively at

If you are interested in running for any of the above positions, but you want to know more about what is involved, you might want to read our page about roles in the SRCF.

The senior treasurer is Bob Dowling.

Previous committees

Past committee members usually go mad after a period of around twelve months in office, so they are often taken aside by the new committee and shot. To help you locate their obituaries, here's a list.

  • Chair – James Steiner
  • Secretary – Nils Andre
  • Junior Treasurer – Mathew Blowers
  • Publicity – Brychan Thomas
  • Chair – Eleanor Clifford
  • Secretary – James Steiner
  • Junior Treasurer – Matias Silva
  • Chair – Matias Silva
  • Secretary – Andrew Jenkins
  • Junior Treasurer – Patrick Connolly
  • Publicity – David Bai
  • Chair – John-Joseph Gray
  • Secretary – Bilal Chughtai
  • Junior Treasurer – Matias Silva
  • Publicity – Michelle Soo
  • Chair – Edwin Bahrami Balani
  • Secretary – Anik Roy
  • Junior Treasurer – Jefferson Edralin Chua
  • Publicity – David Horstmann
  • Chair – Charles Board
  • Secretary – Sam Sully
  • Junior Treasurer – Anik Roy
  • Publicity – David Horstmann
  • Chair – Dexter Chua
  • Secretary – Souradip Mookerjee
  • Junior Treasurer – Charles Board
  • Publicity – Will Earley
  • Co-opted – Richard Allitt
  • Chair – Charles Board
  • Secretary – Souradip Mookerjee
  • Junior Treasurer – Ping Liang Tan
  • Publicity – Dexter Chua
  • Chair – Souradip Mookerjee
  • Secretary – Dexter Chua
  • Junior Treasurer – Lev Livnev
  • Publicity – Tejas Guruswamy
  • Co-opted – Charles Board
  • Chair – Tejas Guruswamy
  • Secretary – Daniel Richman
  • Junior Treasurer – Lev Livnev
  • Publicity – Alexander Wright
  • Co-opted – Charles Board
  • Chair – Matthew Ireland
  • Secretary – Daniel Richman
  • Junior Treasurer – Charles Board
  • Publicity – Amar Sood
  • Chair – Ben Millwood
  • Secretary – Amar Sood
  • Junior Treasurer – Charles Board
  • Publicity – Matthew Ireland
  • Chair – Daniel Thomas
  • Secretary – Charles Board
  • Junior Treasurer – Ben Millwood
  • Publicity – Ed Tait
  • Co-opted – Nicholas Tomlinson
  • Chair – Han-Ley Tang (later Daniel Thomas)
  • Secretary – Daniel Thomas (later Charles Board)
  • Junior Treasurer – Elliot Pace
  • Publicity – Ed Tait
  • Chair – Malte Schwarzkopf
  • Secretary – Han-Ley Tang
  • Junior Treasurer – Fergus Ross Ferrier
  • Publicity – Daniel Thomas
  • Chair – David Simner
  • Secretary – Malcolm Scott
  • Junior Treasurer – Malte Schwarzkopf
  • Publicity – Kristian Glass
  • Chair – Haibo E
  • Secretary – Malcolm Scott
  • Junior Treasurer – David Simner
  • Publicity – Jennifer Johnson
  • Chair – Teresa Dennis
  • Secretary – Luke Norman
  • Junior Treasurer – Haibo E
  • Publicity – David Simner
  • Chair – Rob Bradford
  • Secretary – Malcolm Scott
  • Junior Treasurer – Teresa Dennis
  • Publicity – Richard Jones
  • Chair – Matthew Garrett
  • Secretary – Rob Bradford
  • Junior Treasurer – Sean Furey
  • Publicity – Malcolm Scott
  • Chair – Matthew Johnson
  • Secretary – Ed Allcutt
  • Junior Treasurer – Olly Madge
  • Publicity/Funding – Jeff Snyder
  • Chair – James Coupe
  • Secretary – David Singleton
  • Junior Treasurer – Nathan Dimmock
  • Publicity/Funding – Matthew Johnson
  • Chair – Matthew Garrett
  • Secretary – Ian Caulfield
  • Junior Treasurer – Robert Beattie
  • Publicity/Funding – Sian James
  • Chair – Martin Keegan
  • Secretary – Jock Busuttil
  • Junior Treasurer – Hanna Wallach
  • Publicity/Funding – Peter Clay
  • Chair – Matthew Vernon
  • Secretary – Peter Clay
  • Treasurer – Sophie Tatham (later Hanna Wallach)
  • Publicity/Funding – Jock Busuttil

System administrators

As well as the committee described above there are many more people who are responsible for the administration of the SRCF.

They can be contacted at

Name Since
Toby Clifton 2024
Cameron Robey 2022
Naunidh Dua 2022
Mikel Bober-Irizar 2022
Andrei Popescu 2022
Eleanor Clifford 2022
Daniel Carter 2020
Dimitrije Erdeljan 2019
Dave Horstmann 2018
Edwin Bahrami Balani 2017
Richard Allitt 2014
Andy Cooper 2013
Daniel Richman 2012
Tejas Guruswamy 2012
Richard Whitehouse 2010
Ross Church 2004

Previous sysadmins

Name Years served
Timo Wilken 2020-2021
Harrison Pitcher 2019-2022
Jefferson Edralin Chua 2019-2022
Olivier Wilkinson 2019-2020
Sam Sully 2018-2020
Dexter Chua 2015-2024
Matthew Ireland 2015-2020
Souradip Mookerjee 2014-2020
Joshua Hunt 2014-2017
Michael Hsu 2013-2016
Andrew Ryrie 2012-2020
Daniel Thomas 2012-2018
Ramana Kumar 2012-2014
Andrew Lee 2012-2014
Hauke Neitzel 2012-2013
Amar Sood 2011-2020
Amir Hajizamani 2011
Ben Millwood 2010-2020
Bill Collins 2010-2011
Nick Stenning 2010-2011
Kristian Glass 2007-2018
Malte Schwarzkopf 2007-2009, 2010-2018
Dave Eyers 2007-2017
James Clemence 2007-2012
Tom Scholl 2006-2007
Ian Abel 2005-2018
Malcolm Scott 2004-2021
Olly Madge 2004-2007
Steven Murdoch 2004-2020
Alastair Tse 2003-2005
Jiaying Xu 2003-2004
Nathan Dimmock 2002-2004
David Singleton 2002
Seb Wills 2002-2006
Richard Fuller 2002-2003
Martin Keegan 2001-2003
Phil Cowans 2000-2008
Andy Buckley 2000-2004
Lauri Ora 2000-2003
Richard Watts 2000-2003
Jock Busuttil 2000-2003
Hanna Wallach 1999-2003
Matthew Vernon 1999-2000
Peter Clay 1999-2000

Membership secretaries

(before we moved to using a perl script)

Jeff Snyder 2003-2004
Matt Johnson 2002-2003
Ian Caulfield 2001-2002
Hanna Wallach 1999-2001
Sophie Tatham 1999